Kentucky Equine Research - Colic Signs
This is a great article from Kentucky Equine Research about knowing the signs of colic. Read it, Print it, Pin it in your barn, tack or...

Training review: Freya
During a recent clinic in South Australia I rode this lovely, tall, 5 year old warmblood mare. Freya is a big moving horse with a lot of...

Bill training notes 3 - WEEK 16 - The Last Day
When working with a rescue horse, a timid horse, a horse needing mind or body rehabilitation, a young horse, a green horse there is no...

Sorceress arrives home at last.
I am very excited to announce that this little beauty, Hollands Bend Sorceress, is the newest member to my horsey family. (Sezuan x SPS...

😃🇦🇺 Clinic and Lesson bookings for 2017. Australia wide. 🐴✈️
I'm home! 😃🇦🇺🏡 and Clinic and Lesson bookings for 2017 are underway. Send me an email if you are interested in lessons or hosting a...

See you again UK and Europe.
The time has come to head home to Australia. Wes and I have had an amazing year full of travel and work. I would like to thank my clients...

Young horses are such beautiful little creatures… So willing to learn, So willing to understand. 🐴�
When we first teach a young horse to lunge, it takes them a few days to understand what it is we are wanting them to do. In a nut shell:...

A small braid can go a long way. 🎀
This is Opal, she is a sensitive little lady and I found that she was much happier working when I braided her forelock and mane like this...

Working with different breeds.
We can learn a lot from working with horses of different breeds and discovering how they learn. Many horses have similarities but they...

Testimonial from Lene Særmark - Denmark 😃🐴🇩🇰
I had my first three lessons with Chantelle in July 2016. And I was so pleased with them, that when she returned to Denmark again in...